Thursday, November 4, 2010

Alyssa insisted that Mommy and Daddy dress up for halloween so I decided I would be Wendy since she was Tinkerbell and Nathan was Captain Hook, easy enough just a blue nighty. So I tried to find a Peter Pan costume for Michael. There were no Peter Pan costumes anywhere, so last minute I bought some felt and made Michaels costume. Not too bad huh?

My Mom and Brother came down to Trick-or-treat with us. It was nice having them join us for the evening, Nathan, Alyssa and Karson played and played and wrestled and played. They get along so well and Nathan keeps up with them so well. Nathan had a difficult time with another little one around. He gets so upset if I pick up another baby, he cries "Mine, Mine, Mine" I guess he loves his Mommy!

Karson was a pro at Trick-or-Treating so he helped Alyssa ring the doorbells and they ran to each house. They were having so much fun that Nathan decided that he was going to join in on the fun.

1 comment:

Grandma and Pie said...

It was a blast being there. Thanks for letting us drop in on you! I just couldn't resist seeing Nathan and Alyssa on halloween.